The Lombards in Italy

The Lombards in Italy. The Places of Power (568-774 A.D.) is the official name given by UNESCO to the seven Italian sites that reflect the achievements of the Germanic tribe of the Lombards, who occupied the Italian peninsula from the 6th to the 8th century A.D. The sites ( Cividale del Friuli, Brescia, Castelseprio, Spoleto, Campello sul Clitunno, Benevento, and Monte Sant’Angelo) testify to the Lombards' major role in the spiritual and cultural development of Europe between the Classical Era and the Middle Ages.

The numerous activities carried out by the association over the years, aimed at raising awareness of the value of these UNESCO cultural heritage sites among the local population and visitors, include the project for the creation of dedicated interactive solutions. The project consisted of the realization of a widespread multimedia circuit, with the installation of interactive systems at the various sites, and the creation of a specific software structure for viewing the multimedia content. The interactive tools developed are designed to promote and disseminate an awareness of the Lombards and their culture, and to share the wonders of their monuments.

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